In order to accommodate the thought of the writers in responding to phenomena in community life that is increasingly complex, for example regarding social status, education, law and other issues. So the Bengkulu Press UIN FAS management team worked closely with the Scientific Journal Management Consortium (KJPI) to take the initiative to publish the Qiyas Journal of Islamic Law and Justice. This Qiyas Journal of Islamic Law and Justice began to be established since 2016. From 2016 to 2019 the qiyas of Islamic law and justice journals still remain active in publishing scientific writings, and any writings contained in qiyas journals of Islamic law and justice can be accessed online (oniline). The qiyas of Islamic law and judicial journals are legally established based on Decree no. 0005.25033794 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2016.04 - 22 April 2016 (starting with Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2016 edition).
Journal Title | : Qiyas: Jurnal Hukum Islam & Peradilan | |
Keyword Search | : Qiyas | |
Information | : 0853-8130-5810 | |
Journal Template | : Template | |
Publish Frequency | : 2 Issues per year (April & October) | |
Focus and Scope | : Focus & Scope | |
ISSN | : P-2503-3794 / E-2686-536X | |
Language | : Indonesian; English; | |
Accreditation | : SINTA 5 | |
Manag. Style | : Open Access Journals | |
Copyright by | : | |
Publishing System | : Open Journal System (OJS) | |
Editor in Chief | : IRSAL | |
Publisher | : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu |
Qiyas Journal of Islamic Law and Justice is a scientific journal managed by a team of professionals and experts in their fields. The journal Qiyas Islamic Law and Justice posted various writings both from professionals, researchers, academics and the public. Every writing that apply to the management team will be selected first, if the writings proposed by the new author, it will be edited and published by the manager. Qiyas Islamic Law and Justice is published by UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu Press, which is published 2 (two) times a year (April and October).
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): OKTOBER
Table of Contents
Yasrianto Yasrianto, Gempa Maulana
Muhsan Syarafuddin, Witia Oktaviani, Ghufran Jauhar
Ianatul Firdaussia, Habibi Al Amin
Agustin Hanapi, Shoim Shoim
Ari Saputra, Zurifah Nurdin, Nelly Marhayati
Amir Ghazali, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin
Gempa Maulana, Aldy Darmawan, Elfia Elfia, Zulfan Zulfan
Darmanto Darmanto, Zurifah Nurdin, Iwan Ramadhan Sitorus
Nurul Izati, Aldy Darmawan
Rizal Arifin, Zurifah Nurdin, Iwan Ramadhan Sitorus
Wilia Novi Aryani, Sabar Sabar
Muhammad Dadang Alpino, Jhon Kenedi, Ismail Jalili
Budiman Sepri Weli, Suwarjin Suwarjin, Iim Fahimah
Mamad Mamad, Suryani Suryani, Iim Fahimah
Ridwan Hanif, Rohimin Rohimin, Rohmadi Rohmadi
Rizki Pratiwi Harahap, Nurhalimah Lubis, Syarifah Isnaini